Bugger! Thursday again!

Another week down and it’s now mid-February. The time is just flying by. Six weeks in to the new year with no real signs that lockdown is going to come to an end anytime soon. Oh my life do I need to catch up with my mates for a beer and an evening out.

It’s another week without seeing the Mum. Ty Pica has had an offer that I’ve agreed, just to sell although it’s not what I wanted. There are a few complications at the moment though. The buyers are having trouble with the sale of one of their properties. I’ve given them a few weeks to sort it out before putting the house back on the market and offering one of the other interested parties the opportunity.

Six years after his death, Dennis is still causing problems as he appears to be named on the deeds. It is sortable and but may prolong things.

I was expecting a call from the home about the Mum and a video call with her on the weekend.  That didn’t happen and that’s the second time that they’ve not called when planned. I realise that they are busy looking after a number of residents but it’s a bit disappointing that they forget to make those calls.

I’ve been suffering a bit with pain in my upper back. When I walk for about two miles or so, I get a sharp but radiating pain. It gets worse the longer I walk and of course I’m usually half way around when it hurts. I spoke to a doctor today it was suggested that the pain is possibly a trapped nerve. I’ve got a couple of exercises to do so will see if that helps with the pain.

Weigh in time.

Okay then, how has the week gone food wise? Honestly, it’s not been a great week on the old grub. 

It started on Friday with a curry, some beers, rum and some good old fashioned rock music (streamed online) and it seemed to go from bad to worse.

Saturday was a good day. I went to see an old friend. Again, beers, rum and a Maccy D’s.

Sunday involved a bit of a hangover and a visit to the Caerphilly Mountain Burger Bar for a fully loaded breakfast roll. Delicious but so very naughty.

The rest of the week just hasn’t been good either, hence the gain of a pound this week.

It’s fluctuating a bit. The calorie counting is keeping me fairly honest but I suppose in all of this, the weight and food is the last thing I’ve been thinking about.

I’ll keep plodding on and I’ll try to get out more although the weather isn’t looking great and my shoulder is still aching from yesterdays walk.

At least there won’t be chocolates on Valentines Day. 🙁 

Thanks again for taking the time to read. It’s certainly appreciated. 


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